Intermediate Hip-Hop
Intermediate Hip-Hop
Recommended Age Group: 9 - 13 years
Service Description
Some experience required - Students usually start with a Junior or beginners commercial before progressing to the Intermediate class. Uniform: Comfortable, loose and urban clothing and trainers are a must! Class Difficulty: (1 - Easiest 10 - Difficult) ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ This is a hip hop class focusing on learning both technical drills and skills putting this into performance, whilst gaining the knowledge of how to pick up choreography quickly and working as a team. The music styles base mainly on hip hop but occasionally the odd pop, throwback and the latest hip hop hits will be used and will definitely get you locking! You will gain personal confidence and have the opportunity to showcase what you have learnt through choreography in our annual and upper school shows. This class does not do exams.

Cancellation Policy
Classes must be cancelled 24 hours in advance
Contact Details
11 Bergen Way, North Lynn Industrial Estate, King's Lynn, UK
11 Bergen Way, North Lynn Industrial Estate, King's Lynn, UK